Posted inMC Podcasts

Between the Human Animal and the Animate Earth (Part 2b of 6)

May 31, 2018

“… the sacredness of our human inter-being with the rest of nature 

earth animate being

Description: This is the second in a three-part series of spontaneous conversations between Henry and David Abram. Henry and David continue to explore the sacredness of our human inter-being with the rest of nature. David is an ecologist, geo-philosopher, and writer. David describes a geo-philosopher to be someone who reflects under the influence of the earth. He is particularly interested in the ecology of sensory experience—how our sense perceptions bind our individual nervous systems to the ecosystem. David postulates that the way we speak influences our perception and can cultivate the rapport between humans and the earth. Conversely, there are ways of speaking that can interrupt this instinctive exchange.

Once again, Henry begins with a reading from Becoming Animal. This lively conversation touches on the human capacity for sensing, our intimate exchanges with all things, the mystery of awareness and the mystery of mind. Henry and David reflect upon the boundary between human experience and the experience of a tree or a rock or a wall and how the tender care of all things directly influences how we relate to each other.

NOTE: This is the 2nd segment from the Sep 17th session. Click here for the 1st segment.

Post & Featured image: Universe by geraltCCO Public Domain.

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