Posted inHenry's Messages

Message from Henry: Deep Dependable Peace

February 26, 2019

Imagine how this world might be, if more people knew a deep dependable peace in their core.

Whatever suffering you have faced in the course of practice – for example on your last retreat – remember the hard times, don’t gloss over them in your mind. Instead cherish them. Embrace yourself for having suffered through difficulties in that way.

Open your heart in self-compassion. Let those times help you to understand that others suffer too, and to feel compassion for all beings who are suffering.

At the same time, whatever peace, fulfillment or joy you tasted on your last retreat – let it guide you toward kind feelings for others, toward a wish that others also find peace in their lives.

There is no limit to peace. Imagine how this world might be, if more people knew a deep dependable peace in their core. So let’s wish for a world like that.

Message from Henry is from our February 25 Newsletter
Image:  Boy, CC0 Public Domain,
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