Posted inHenry's Messages

Message from Henry: Doubt and Humility

February 7, 2017

…humility is the cure not just for doubt as a hindrance, but for many of our ills.


Pure Land Buddhists say the hindrance of doubt is self-generated. Doubt involves some measure of unwillingness to give the Way the benefit of the doubt – a reluctance to let go of what we think we know. It may involve a grain of pride.

On the other hand, humility is the cure not just for doubt as a hindrance, but for many of our ills. Humility allows us to begin to let life work on us, rather than merely the other way round. We start to trust that life may have a wisdom of its own. Humility is the beginning of practice, of the spiritual life, the first gate, the most important gate, time after time.


Message from Henry is from our February 7, 2017 Newsletter
Image: Earth, Teach Me, by Loco Steve, CC by 2.o, from

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