Posted inHenry's Messages

Message from Henry: Just This

August 13, 2019

No before or after.
No over there, no over here.
Just this.

Time and space – vanished, gone.
Only this.

You could say: only peace, but that already spoils it.
It has flavors:
Silent. Still. Quiet.
Infinitely soft. Utterly solid.
Infinitely powerful, energetic, dynamic.
Infinitely flowing, a churning waterfall of beauty and softness.
Infinitely supportive, no matter how much support
may be required, here it is, perfectly supporting.
Unconditional, unconditioned.

Yet it has one condition of entry. You have to give up yourself.
You enter through the gate of no-separation,
of not-two – which means the gate of no self.

How you find the gate of no self
is a tricky question. You can’t find it, you don’t find it.
You evaporate. Then it shows itself.

But there is one key: like and dislike.
Study like and dislike.
Just as Sengtsan said: When like and dislike disappear
the Way stands clear and undisguised…

Message from Henry is from our August 12, 2019 Newsletter
Image: Universe-Hole by geralt, and  Godafos Iceland waterfall,  Pixabay License
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