Posted inKoans, MC Podcasts, Meditations

Dharmatalk: The Bright Light Within

February 2, 2021

“… with training of the mind through zen, and of the body through yoga, discover the luminous self  …”

sunrise luminous self

“… Awakening is the radical tearing up of the separation between self and the world …”

Description: In this compilation of talks given on the first day of a yoga and meditation retreat that took place at Esalen in January 2020, we consider the Zen koan, “Unmon’s Bright Light.” In response to the question, “What is your bright light?” Unmon responds, “The kitchen and the entrance gate.” Within such ordinary things as these, one may, with training of the mind through zen and of the body through yoga, discover the luminous self that Unmon was pointing to.

Post & Featured Image: Stunning sunrise over the ocean by Smileus, purchased from depositphotos, for use only on our website/social channels (this image is not permitted to be shared separately from this post)..

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