Posted inKoans, MC Podcasts

Dharmatalk: Case 28, Book of Equanimity: Gokoku’s “Three Disgraces”

May 16, 2019

“… At the deepest level, nothing is separate from the Dharma …”

nothing separate from dharma

Description: This talk focuses on Henry’s trip to Germany, beginning in Nuremberg, then on to Benediktushof, a former Benedictine monastery, now a spiritual center, then to Sonnenhof Zen Center in the Black Forest, and, finally, to Domicilium, a joint hospice and Zen center. This leads into Case 28 where Gokoku expresses what Buddha realized. At the deepest level, nothing is separate from the Dharma, including the persecution referred to in this koan.

Post & Featured image: Cactus by anurajrvPixabay License.

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