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Dharmatalk: Case 95, Book of Equanimity: Rinzai Draws a Line (Part 2): 2019 Spring Sesshin (Part 3 of 4)

February 13, 2020

Where have you come from?  ~ Rinzai.

question doubt

Description: This is the third talk of the Spring 2019 sesshin. It begins with further reflections on the process of settling into a multi-day retreat and explores the topic of doubt. This unfolds into the story of Rinzai and how he fully expressed the Dharma without any trace of self-driven purpose, as demonstrated by his seemingly perplexing behavior. In Case 95, Rinzai and the temple steward are having a dialogue, and the Dharma itself is speaking freely.

Post & Featured image: Q And A Doubt by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke, pixabay license.



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