Posted inFour Noble Truths, MC Podcasts

Dharmatalk: Letting Go of Clinging

July 14, 2020

letting go

Loss brings us to our senses. It actually gives us our life” 

Description: Ongoing series on basic Buddhism. In continuing the series of talks about the Four Noble Truths, we examine clinging from a traditional and a modern perspective. Craving to always be right, we may cling to fixed viewpoints and become rigid in our attitudes and ideas. Holding on to things, we create stress and tension in our bodies, which we can make it our practice to identify and release. Letting go of the clinging associated with mental states like grief and loss is an important part of life.

For the introduction to this basic Buddhism series, please visit Venus Twinkling.

Post & Featured Image: Letting Go symbol by lightsource, purchased from depositphotos, for use only on our website/social channels (this image is not permitted to be shared separately from this post).

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