Posted inMC Podcasts, Meditations

Dharmatalk: The Flipside of Impermanence

March 2, 2021

“… Every moment, if I pay attention, I feel a way I’ve never felt before. It’s totally new!  …”

sunrise every moment

Description: The main part of this compilation of talks consists of a question and answer session conducted by Henry Shukman and Tias Little on the last full day of the January 2020 yoga and meditation retreat at Esalen. Questions revolve around similarities between yoga and zen, how to maintain a meaningful sitting practice in the midst of the everyday world, and learning how to let go and open up to our own present-moment experience, rather than try to build toward or attain something extrinsic to us.

Post & Featured Image: Sensational red sunrise skies at the Breakwall Stock by lovleah, purchased from YayImages, for use only on our website/social channels (this image is not permitted to be shared separately from this post)..

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