Posted inKoans, MC Podcasts

Teisho: A Love So Great

June 8, 2018

“… What is this activity? … the principle of ultimate compassion, of love …”


The bodhisattva doesn’t control themselves,
they’re controlled by the needs around them.

Description: Henry references several koans from the Book of Equanimity in this talk, which begins with the distinction between a dharma talk and a teisho. This leads us into Case 7, Yakusan Ascends the Rostrum, and Case 67, Wisdom in the Kegon Sutra, and Case 66, Kyûhô’s ‘Head and Tail’. The question arises: how does Zen practice convey something that is already here? We can discover that we are a part of everything and begin to automatically do just what is needed, each in our own, particular way, without thought. What is this activity? It is emblemized by Kanzeon—the principle of ultimate compassion, of love.

Post & Featured image: People by skalekar1992CCO Public Domain.

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