Posted inMC Podcasts

Teisho: Why Buddhism and the modern world need each other

October 29, 2015

Description: David Loy made a special appearance at Mountain Cloud on Wednesday September 16, 2015. He spoke from topics discussed in his latest book, A New Buddhist Path, about the convergence of western traditions of social reform with Asian traditions of inner transformation. Loy’s talk contrasts moral ideals within the Abrahamic traditions with those in Buddhism and proposes that each of these ideals needs the other.  David Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. His articles appear regularly in major journals and Buddhist magazines including Tricycle, Shambhala Sun, Inquiring Mind, and Buddhadharma and in scholarly journals.


Post Image Credit: PONTO DE CONVERGÊNCIA (Convergence Point), by Jônatas Cunha, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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