Posted inDogen, Koans, MC Podcasts, Mu

Dharmatalk: Gathering of the Heart

March 23, 2021

“… Joshu is still sitting. I can’t but sit …”

Meditation at Sunrise

Description: In this talk given on the second day of the Spring 2020 sesshin at Mountain Cloud, Valerie takes up the koan, Joshu’s Dog. If we earnestly sit with Mu, whether our practice calls us to roar it from the rooftops or exhale it gently like snow falling, we begin to allow the koan that Dogen called a “sun with stone-melting power” to melt away the crust around our heart so that Mu may break open and we meet master Joshu face to face.

Post & Featured Image: Meditation at Sunrise by paulprescott, purchased from depositphotos, for use only on our website/social channels (this image is not permitted to be shared separately from this post)..

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