Posted inKoans, MC Podcasts

Teisho: Case 56 Book of Equanimity Misshi and the White Rabbit

October 22, 2015

Description: In this koan, Uncle Misshi and Tozan see a white rabbit then have a short exchange about swiftness, white clothing, respect, nobility and poverty.  Using this case as a starting point, Henry explores, in depth, the purpose of studying koans, showing us how each koan addresses the most profound aspect of our experience—what it is to exist. Henry infuses this exploration with experiences and insights gained from his recent visit to Greece, which concludes with a definition of Eros—the longing of the soul to reconnect with reality.  In Zen, this longing is the way-seeking mind which brings us to practice.


Post & Featured Image Credit: Buddha is a Bridge, by Hartwig HKD, CC BY-ND 2.0.

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