Posted inHenry's Messages

Message from Henry: Let go into Stillness

July 11, 2017

We are caught in the space between a great receiving and a great offering.

Sometimes it seems astonishing that anyone can ever let go in the thorough way Zen supports and encourages. How on earth does it happen? It is so hard to let go of our world and all we believe our life to be.

Other times it seems perfectly natural, in some ways the most natural thing in the world….


We are caught in the space between a great receiving and a great offering. But is there actually any space betweeen the two? If not, where does that leave us?


Just wait and be still — until stillness starts to cast its spell.


Message from Henry is from our July 10, 2017, Newsletter.
Image: Beach by Pexels, CC0 Public Domain, from
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