Posted inHenry's Messages, Meditations

Message from Henry: Mindfulness

August 18, 2021

…a taste of our mindfulness developing and expanding.

Mindfulness… it can be like creating a warm loving home inside yourself. Whenever an uncomfortable feeling comes up, an edge of fear, hurt, irritation, anxiety, stress, restlessness, annoyance, hurry, or overwhelm, or despondency — when they arise in the heart, the warm home is quickly activated, the lights go on, the central heating fires up, ready to welcome the discomfort and give it a space to be. Maybe it needs a little quiet time to cool off. Maybe it needs a loving embrace. Either way the space, and the warmth of the welcome are stronger than the chill edge of the distress. 

It’s very nice to have this kind of home inside yourself, and it needn’t take a whole lot of practice to develop it. In fact it’s partly a matter of cultivating it, and partly a matter of finding that it’s already onboard anyway. It’s not an aftermarket accessory, it’s part of our make up.

There may be various waifs and strays, lost orphans who we unwittingly sent off into the cold long ago, who show up from time to time, feeling bad, needing a refuge. To have that capacity active within us, that hearth-like warmth of a well-beloved household, of a loving family that can take us in, makes a huge difference for nearly all of us.

That’s a taste of our mindfulness developing and expanding.

Message from Henry is from our August 16, 2021 Newsletter
Image: From Unsplash by Oxana Lyashenko
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