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Sanbo Zen & Unconditional Well Being, Video Clip

May 20, 2017

It’s not so much that are our existence is separate, it just IS other beings.

Henry Shukman briefly previews Sanbo Zen … and shares his thoughts on where/how “unconditional well being is to be found.” He is interviewed by Mountain Cloud board member Chris Hebard

“Zen derived from a Chinese word Chan, which derives from the Sanskrit word dyana, which basically means meditation or meditative absorbtion.”

The Sanbo Zen line is not concerned with the forms of worship, liturgy or ritual. Rather, it is focused on the practice of meditation that offers a pathway into the heart of all beings.

“We are a line that believes the key thing being transmitted is not cultural trappings. Instead it’s looking into the core of a human being. There are many, many beings suffering and of course, we cannot but feel that. It’s not so much that our existence is separate, it just IS other beings.“

Henry’s simple words do more than point to awakening, his quiet presence in this short video clip embodies the compassion and love of simply being…

“How can we really say I’m happy when there is a lot of suffering…. there is a notion in the tradition, the so-called bodhisattva, profoundly caring for the suffering of all beings, is in a state of joy at the same time: Fundimental of our existence is available at all times. That’s where the unconditional well being is to be found.”

This short-video clip is from an upcoming full length feature film on a conversation between Henry Shukman and Chris Hebard about Zen and more.


This clip and the upcoming film is a Stillness Speaks production in association with Mountain Cloud Zen Center. It is produced by Chris Hebard and Henry Shukman. Filmographer (including video editing) is Jonathan Mugford (who can be contacted @

Video clip copyright holder is Stillness SpeaksPruett Media, and it is freely made available to Mountain Cloud Zen Center.

Images: 1 and Featured) Early Heath Dragon fly by winterseitler, 2) Buddha by Ben_Kerckx, both are CC0 1.0 Public Domain.


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