Posted inGateless Gate, Koans, MC Podcasts, Mu

Dharmatalk: Case 1, The Gateless Gate: Joshu’s Dog (Mu)

March 7, 2019

Can you see the golden flash of Mu?

golden flash mu

Description: This is the first teisho of the Summer 2018 sesshin. Traditionally, during a sesshin, the first talk is about the first koan, Mu. Jôshû invites us to receive Mu—it is showing itself right here, right now. How do we fall into this receptive mode? One thing that can help is to investigate our notion of time and allow it to expand. Time can be glimpsed as endless and fertile instead of limited and constricting. This leads into a discussion of the things that get in the way of allowing and receiving, how to address them, and how this relates to Mu practice.

Post & Featured image: Leaf by BrezdoPixabay License.

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