Posted inGateless Gate, Koans, MC Podcasts

Teisho: Case 46, The Gateless Gate: “Stepping Forward From the Top of a Pole”

August 17, 2017

“… Our whole body is all things. Our entire existence is one practice …”

one practice

Description: This talk centers on the koan, “Stepping Forward From the Top of a Pole,” Case 46 of The Gateless Gate. Henry discusses the teachings of Master Chosa, relevant to this koan. Chosa points to the fact that our own body, our live flesh is all things. We are not just the sense of “me” that informs our view of the world, and is  a powerful and sneaky illusion about who we are. Sitting on the top of a hundred-foot pole is a description of the awakening experience—the discovery of our “true” body, which awakens compassion. “Our life is not what we thought it was and we are compelled to help in whatever way we are called to help and our practice clarifies this for us.”

Post & Featured Image (edited): Rest by prima4you, CCO Public Domain.

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