Posted inDogen, MC Podcasts

Teisho: A Map of Zen Training (Part 4) & Case 64, Book of Equanimity: Shuzan’s “Bride”

April 12, 2018

“… the most important thing about Zen training. It is the experiential discovery that we are not alone, we are not individual, we are not separate from anything 

interconnected universe not separate

Zazen is the gate of ease and joy.

Description: This teisho is the fourth talk from the Fall 2017 sesshin. Sitting is a life-long settling down process. We can trust what is happening as we practice—we can trust the dharma. Henry discusses the prospect that as time moves on the different dharma traditions will be learning from one another and this is evident in the map that has been discussed over the past few talks. He is eager to articulate the most important thing about Zen training. It is the experiential discovery that we are not alone, we are not individual, we are not separate from anything. In Case 64, Shuzan is presenting a world of “utter mind-blowing dynamism.” It is reality; it feels like love and it contains infinite generosity and compassion. Zen trusts that if we follow the practice, its messages, and the promptings and discoveries from our own hearts, it will change how we live.


Post & Featured image: Networking by geraltCCO Public Domain.

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