Posted inHeart Sutra, MC Podcasts

Dharmatalk: Negation as Strategy

December 22, 2020

“… The Heart Sutra puts forth the radical assertion that knowing is delusion, and not knowing is most intimate …”

heart sutra not knowing is intimate

“… This is not a morning talk on Zen …”

Description: The word “no” gets repeated over many times throughout the Heart Sutra. This talk examines why negation is such a core element of Mahayana Buddhism. What is it that gets negated through engaging in this practice? The idea of gaining some sort of knowledge so often is what drives us in our endeavors. The Heart Sutra puts forth the radical assertion that knowing is delusion, and not knowing is most intimate.

Post & Featured Image: Heart shape rose petals by PicsFive, purchased from depositphotos, for use only on our website/social channels (this image is not permitted to be shared separately from this post)..

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