Posted inKoans, MC Podcasts

Teisho: Summer Sesshin: What is life? (Part 1 of 5)

August 25, 2016

The point of practice is not merely to understand, but to experience our lives in new ways.~ Kyogen

balance effort surrender

Description: In this first talk from our summer sesshin, Henry offers a fresh perspective on what life actually is. He shows us how koans can lead us from a misguided understanding of life to a startling inclusivity of all life. Henry shares experiences from his recent travels in Guatemala and explores the roots of the word “truth,” relating it to the meaning of “Dharma.” Lastly, Henry offers two seemingly opposing but essential and mutually supportive strategies that we can bring to practice:  effort and surrender. Listen to this talk to find out more.

Post & Featured Image Credit: Harmony by Devanath, CCO Public Domain.

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