Posted inKoans, MC Podcasts

Teisho: Summer Sesshin: The Five Skandhas (Part 4 of 5)

September 15, 2016

“We don’t know what’s good in the long run, but separation is an illusion. Anything that reinforces that illusion is misguided and will lead to more suffering …” ~ Henry Shukman


Description: In this fourth teisho of the summer sesshin, Henry explores how our conditioned ways of perceiving experience lead to delusion and separation. He details the five skandhasform, sensation, perception, mental reaction, consciousness, and talks specifically about Buddha’s teachings on the skandhas. He then explores how the Zen masters, following Buddha’s lead, worked brilliantly to expose the inherent emptiness of the skandhas. Learn about disenchantment and becoming free of infatuation, and liberated from delusion. Both Buddha and Zen teachings offer both calming and investigative techniques which allow us see through illusion, and come closer to the reality of existence.  In Zen we investigate our experience and use koans to create the conditions that will help us to see through the skandhas. Listen to this compelling and informative talk about fundamental Buddhist basics and the inherent emptiness of all things.

Post Image Credit: Illusion by Tinou Bao, CC BY 2.0.
Featured Image Credit: Harmony by Devanath, CCO Public Domain.

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