Posted inIntroduction to Zen, MC Podcasts

Teisho: Why are we Here?

December 1, 2016

“… Zen is not so much a teaching methodology as a learning methodology …”


Description: The second talk from the October Introductory Sesshin argues that Zen is not so much a teaching methodology as a learning methodology that allows us to explore and appreciate reality ever more intimately and gratefully. In a way, Zen has nothing to teach.  Which poses the central question: Why are we here?   At the practical level, many of us come to Zen practice because we want happier and more peaceful lives.  But the question may also really be much larger. Why are we here at all, alive, in this world as human beings? Zen practice addresses and resolves this fundamental question. This talk motivates us to practice Zen for both personal and ultimate freedom, in order to help and serve all beings.

Post & Featured  image: Zen by mangeorgeCCO Public Domain.

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