Posted inDogen, Meditations, Other Teachings

Thoughts about Practice: Finding the Dharma

September 11, 2015

If you want to hear the Dharma, just listen: it is always being spoken with perfect precision…

Days of Silence, 10th day

It is all the sounds we can hear. If you want to see it, just look: it is always being shown to us with perfect clarity, in all we see.

        So to find who we are, all we need to do is listen, and look.

        Everything is the voice of the Dharma.

As Dogen said, if there is a hair’s breadth of separation, it is the distance between heaven and earth. So is there any separation? Is the Dharma still something other than our very selves?



Written by Henry Shukman, from our newsletter archives.

Image Credit: Days of Silence, 10th day, by Rosa Bellino, used with her permission
Featured Image Credit: Meditation, by johnhain, CC0 Public Domain, from

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